About us


Roatan, Horizons Inc. is all about hope. We believe in working together with others to help them gain the skills they need to provide a better future for themselves and their families. We invest in the community by offering quality, Christ-centered education to the children of the Sandy Bay Carwash neighborhood. While education can fling wide-open countless doors, we know it won’t amount to much without Jesus.  We are simply living life and using the gifts we have to serve those who need them. We are motivated by the Giver of those gifts and believe that without Him, our work in Roatan is pointless. He is the reason we are here and he is the reason the work is thriving.


Roatan, Horizons, Inc. is based out of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and our work takes place in Roatan, Honduras – primarily in the communities of Sandy Bay and Coxen Hole. Roatan is the largest of the Bay Islands and is located on the northeastern side of the country.  Roatan is a beautiful island and attracts many tourists – from cruisers to divers to backpackers. A beautiful coral reef surrounds the island and the lush landscape makes it a place that invites many ex-pats to retire here. While you may be more familiar with Roatan through the several times it’s been featured on House Hunters International, what really makes Roatan a special place are the people. They are incredibly welcoming and by the end of just one week here, you can almost feel like you’ve come home. Despite the natural beauty so abundant on the island, it’s a dark place in need of hope. Without the ability to speak English, many people transplanted from the mainland quickly hit a glass ceiling at work, unable to support their families or break the cycle of poverty. Racial tension has caused minority groups like the black islanders to feel like outsiders in their own home. Corruption and distrust of the police force has marginalized many men and women who are often just trying to do their best to serve the country they love. And many, many tourists who come here to escape life find themselves enmeshed in the dark world of drugs and the realization that running from life’s problems doesn’t make them go away.

Roatan is a small island in need of hope.  We hope you will partner with us in bringing that hope.

Deborah is a part of

and relies solely on support for her provision in Honduras. Please click the link to learn more and to donate for her support.